Digital Signature
You can improve your customers’ experience wherever they are and on whatever devices they use by integrating Forefront Technologies Digital Signature solution into your workflow.
What Is Digital Signature?
Digital Signatures, just like the manual signing methods, are used to associate an individual with a document in a transaction. They are unique and can be used for authentication purposes.
Our Digital Signature Solution
At Forefront Technologies, we offer our customers solutions based on digital signature technology, thereby making it easy for them to sign documents from anywhere in the world. In addition, our solution solves fraudulent practices such as forgery and ensures that changes cannot be made to a document after it has been digitally signed.
- Reduced risk of fraudulent practices: Our solution comes with technologies such as multi-factor authentication, digital certificates, and signature biometrics. And, these help to mitigate the risk of forgery and other fraudulent practices.
- Real-time Visibility: Process Intelligence helps you understand how your processes are executed in real-time. This helps to correct and eliminate any inadequacies, allowing for better practices and improvements.
- Data Capture and Extraction: You can easily capture and extract data from your invoices without any human intervention. Our AP software uses OCR to understand and extract the invoices in the exact way accountants would like to see them.
- Improved compliance to legal standards such as US ESIGN Act and EU eIDAS regulations
- Multiple Options of Signing: Our solution lets the users sign via the click-to-sign or handwritten signature option.
- Easy signature verification: Our digital signature technology also helps to guarantee the integrity of your transactions.
- Multiple Options of Signature Capture: Your customers can capture their handwritten signatures on desktops or mobile devices such as tablets.
- User authentication: You can enjoy a secured signature process by enabling multiple authentication methods, such as SMS codes and security questions.